Re-elect Annette Bay Pimentel to the Latah County Library Board.

She is working hard to protect:
Safeguard our strong local libraries!
Voting Information:
Vote May 20. (Registration Deadline April 25; Early Voting May 5-May 16)
About my time on the library board: I’ve served for six years on the Latah County Library Board. I’ve loved traveling around the county, getting to know all seven branches of our library.
I’m the Finance Chair and am proud of our careful stewardship of public money. We have a small budget for a library system of our size, but we are scrappy and work hard to spend tax money wisely. This year we were able to purchase a new library building to replace a badly deterioriating facility without raising taxes.
I value the library as a place where everyone in Latah county is welcome. The library is a place that nurtures community by facilitating lifelong learning as well as offering opportunities to connect to others.
I believe that parents are best equipped to make decisions about how to raise their children. I would not presume to dictate those decisions to another parent.
I hope all children find reflections of their lived experiences on the shelves of the library, as well as glimpses into the lives of other people.
My Life in 107 Words: After I finished my bachelor’s (from Berkeley) and master’s (from Brandeis) degrees in English, I spent twenty-eight years as a stay-at-home mom. We moved often, including abroad, and we educated our kids in a mix of public, private, and home schools, depending on where we were living and what our kids needed.
We’ve lived in Latah County for nine years. While I love serving on the library board, it is an unpaid volunteer position. In my work life, I write true books for kids about the ideas and people who have shaped our world.
My husband and I have six children–all grown-ups now–and ten grandchildren.