Still working through my pile of 2017 books. Today I have three American stories. They’re from differen time periods, about different characters, and written in widely differing styles.
Independence Cake by Deborah Hopkinson is another of her books inspired by fact but fueled by fiction. I love how she lays out the fictional aspect of her story right up front. As she did in Beatrix Potter and the Unfortunate Tale of a Borrowed Guinea Pig Hopkinson makes sure that the reader knows that this is truth embellished. Here, she says on the first page:
But the details of her life are lost, simmered away in the pot of time. So why not start from scratch and whip up something delicious about her?
The story tells about an eighteenth century orphan gir, Amelia Simmons,l who teaches herself how to cook, creates a cookbook, and bakes an independence cake to celebrate George Washington’s inauguration. The Independence Cake recipe comes from Amelia Simmons’ cookbook, but the rest of the story is gloriously made up.
Independence Cake by Deborah Hopkinson illustrated by Giselle Potter. (Schwartz & Wade: 2017).
Hedy’s Journey is the story of a Jewish refugee family in World War II whose lives are saved because they are able to immigrate to the United States (thanks to an aunt, living in the US helping them–hello, chain migration!). Their story of pluck and struggling with nearly-impossible setbacks is heartbreaking and inspiring. The book is written by the daughter of the main character. It’s well-written and a good reminder of both of the reasons some refugees need to leave their homelands and the remarkable strength they bring to their new homes.
Hedy’s Journey: The True Story of a Hungarian Girl Fleeing the Holocaust by Michelle Bisson, illustrated by El primo Ramon. (Capstone Press: 2017).
A Time to Act tells John F. Kennedy’s life through the prism of his famous 1963 speech in favor of civil rights for all Americans. The book examines Kennedy’s childhood, both privileged and difficult, and doesn’t shy away from his hesitation to embrace civil rights. It profiles leaders like Martin Luther King, Jr. and Jackie Robinson who became impatient with Kennedy’s delays and especially highlights the actions of ordinary citizens that eventually propelled the president to speak. The book is an interesting exploration of the way that leaders lead and followers push leaders.
A Time to Act: John F. Kennedy’s Big Speech by Shana Corey, illustrated by R. Gregory Christie. (North South Books: 2017).

Alyson Beecher hosts the Nonfiction Picture Book Challenge at Visit there for more great nonfiction picture books!
These books are all new to me, but I love historical fiction and non-fiction. I add them to my list to check out on my next library trip. Thanks for the recommendations.
I’ve read and enjoyed both the first two, Annette, but the JFK one is new to me. I saw a story about his hesitation about the Civil Rights leaders’ frustration until Dr. King called him directly & he agreed to do something. They also said that Bobby was furious about the promise. Interesting times, as were the times of the other ones you’ve shared. Thanks!
I enjoyed A Time to Act. Great talks to be had with that one.